Our Partners
Funding Partners
Collectively, our funding partners are driving more equitable and effective investments in leaders, organizations, and movements working on some of the most pressing issues today.
The Collaborative for Gender and Reproductive Equity
In 2021, the Collaborative for Gender and Reproductive Equity engaged the LeadersTrust to tailor a strategy to provide high-touch, intensive support to 20 of their BIPOC and trans-led nonprofit partners across the United States with a goal of contributing to their increased sustainability and mission achievement, and in turn, enhancing the overall gender and reproductive equity movement.
The Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund
The LeadersTrust originated as a core grantmaking program of the Haas, Jr. Fund in 2004. The Haas, Jr. Fund believes that extraordinary, enduring breakthroughs are only possible when organizations and movements have imaginative leaders with big visions and robust staying power. To date, the Fund has provided deep leadership and capacity support to almost 80 organizations across its priority areas, including immigrant rights, LGBT equality, democracy and education equity. It is also providing core support to the LeadersTrust as it expands to become an autonomous program at the Tides Center.
The Heising-Simons Foundation
In 2017, the Heising-Simons Foundation engaged the LeadersTrust to bring multi-year, deep-dive organizational effectiveness to nonprofit partners through its Community and Opportunity Program. To date, the LeadersTrust has supported 9 of these organizations in human rights, climate and clean energy, education, and science.
The Grove Foundation
In 2017, the Grove Foundation engaged the LeadersTrust to broker deep, multi-year, organization-strengthening support to a group of its nonprofit partners. To date, the LeadersTrust has worked with 14 organizations that are ensuring a healthy democracy, mitigating climate change with clean energy, protecting and advancing immigrant rights, ensuring reproductive rights, and investing in people with no or low income.
The James Irvine Foundation
In 2020, the LeadersTrust began working with the James Irvine Foundation to strengthen the leadership and organizational health of about 20 organizations in the Fair Work Initiative that are advancing the rights, protections, and job opportunities for low-wage workers in California.
The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
In 2016, the Packard Foundation’s Organizational Effectiveness program began a partnership with the LeadersTrust to broker deeper, multi-year, leadership and capacity-building support to a group of its nonprofit partners. To date, the LeadersTrust has worked with 17 organizations that are fighting climate change, conserving the North American West, providing access to health and early learning, advancing reproductive health and rights, ensuring a better future for people and the ocean, and supporting local communities.
Field Partners
The LeadersTrust works in collaboration with other experts across the sector who are not afraid to roll up their sleeves and stand shoulder to shoulder in the work with social justice leaders. Some of our field partners include:
Lydia Daniller
Partnership in Action
The Management Center: Trainings and tools
- Provide management trainings for the staff at our nonprofit partners.
- Increase support and camaraderie by building cohorts of BIPOC staff in progressive and frontline organizations.
- Be responsive to changing needs like supporting our nonprofit partners in adapting to COVID-19 and the new work environment.
- Develop trainings, resources, and tools for the broader field around preparing organizations and staff to deal with the uncertainty surrounding the 2020-post election season and other current issues.
Partnership in Action
BIPOC Project: Creating pro-Black organizations
- Workshops for leaders to envision what steps they can take to become pro-Black organizations, and build lasting solidarity among Black, Indigeneous and People of Color (BIPOC).
- Frameworks to help organizations shift from deficit-focused language to asset-based language.
- Developing a systemic analysis and choice points and levers for institutional change.
- DEI assessments and baseline understanding of gaps, and how to bridge between learning and action.
Lydia Daniller
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